No one can arrive from being talented alone, work transforms talent into genius. ~Anna Pavlova
Benefits of Private Lessons
Welcome to Ashkenazy Classical Ballet. We're thrilled to have you join us! The core benefits of private ballet lessons include:
Personalized Lessons Private lessons place the focus of the instructor solely on the student. Undivided attention and personalized lessons are crafted and delivered to the student on a regular basis. Skill level, goals, and mastery are accounted for and consistently adjusted per the students' needs and progress.
Faster Progress Committing to tailored lessons provides the student with consistent feedback and correction. The instructor is able to give immediate focus to the students' training and ability and ensure the development of proper, pre-professional classical ballet technique. Private lessons are also a fantastic source of support to students who fall in love with ballet at a later age and wish to catch up to their peers.
Emphasis on Detail Students have the benefit of receiving real-time feedback from an instructor who is in a position to quickly adjust and deconstruct, as well as build upon classical ballet technique and terminology. With the instructor's sole attention, a student is able to apply effort and focus on even the smallest of details that pre-professional dancers with solid training must display in order to achieve high levels of mastery in this art form.
Self-Confidence While students take private lessons for a myriad of reasons (preference, scheduling conflicts, faster progress, detail work, etc.), working in a private setting offers the gift of character building and self confidence. A caring, highly dedicated instructor is right there to talk through and encourage student progress through the ups and downs of learning this highly disciplined form of art.
Additional Instruction & Support Students who take group lessons often consider adding private lessons to help with these common issues:
improving the arch and point of the feet
strengthening the legs and ankles in order to progress to pointe work
improving flexibility
preparing for auditions
increasing endurance
mastering the finer points of graceful, fluid movement
achieving the look of a well-trained dancer (mastering The Basic Stance)